Since ancient times, 11 art masters in our history

  1. Wang Xizhi (321-379) : He was known as the King’s right army and had the reputation of “book sage”.

Today, Linyi, Shandong Province, born in the Wei and Jin Dynasty famous Langya Wang family, “eight Kings chaos” when the south moved to Shaoxing, Zhejiang now.

The most outstanding achievement is the art of calligraphy, creating a new style of beautiful flow, its own family, and creating a unique style of Wang school calligraphy. Regular script, running script and cursive script all have good works, among which “Lanting Collection Preface” is known as “the first line book in the world”.

Preface to the Lanting Collection by Wang Xizhi

2, Gu Kaizhi (348-409) : small character tiger head, the ancestor of Chinese painting, landscape painting.

Now Wuxi City, Jiangsu Province, was born in the Jiangnan native clan family. Indulge in art and literature, light on fame and fortune status, “crazy and cunning, wise and safe”.

He is good at poetry, calligraphy, and painting, so he has the reputation of painting, talent and madness. The painting of the characters is like a spring silkworm spinning silk. His rare paintings include “Hack Qin Diagram”, “Proverbs Diagram of Women’s History” and “Ode to the Goddess of Luo”.

Part of Gu Kaizhi’s Admonitions of Women’s History

  1. Wu Daozi (about 680-759 years) : Revered as a painting sage

Now Yuzhou, Henan. Little orphan poor, not weak crown (20 years old), has been poor.

Good at Buddhism, characters, good at mural painting. With the brushwork like a blue leaf, or like a water shield to express the fold, there is a tendency to flutter, known as “Wu Dai Dang wind”. His rare paintings include “Sending Son Tianwang Map”, “Ming Emperor receiving Seal Map”, “Ten fingers Zhong Kui Map”.

The King of Heaven by Wu Daozi

  1. Zhang Xu (685? – 759? Known as Zhang Changshi and Zhang Bing, the sage of grass, whose cursive script is one of the “three masterpieces” decreed by Tang Wenzong.

A native of Suzhou, Jiangsu Province, he was born in a family of not low standing.

Good at cursive, like drinking, is characterized by the main two words “crazy escape”, its cursive for the Tang emperor’s decree “three unique” one. His precious calligraphy works include “Four pieces of ancient poetry” and “Belly Pain”.

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Zhang Xu “Belly Pain Post” Motuo

  1. Mi Fu (1051-1107) : one of the four families of the Song Dynasty.

Xi descendants, ancestral home in Taiyuan. Born in Xiangyang, Hubei Province, he lived in Zhenjiang, Jiangsu Province.

Can poetry, fine identification, good at painting and calligraphy. Calligraphy and painting itself into a family, dead wood, bamboo and stone, more with ink dyeing, heavy interest not fine, known as “Mi Yunshan”. Especially Gonghang, grass, long at copying the ancient calligraphy, to the degree of false. The book “shu, post” by later generations as the first beauty, said the first letter of recommendation for post “day”.

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Mi Fu “Shu Sutie” partial

6, Zhao Mengd «–¯[f] (October 22, 1254 – July 29, 1322) : No Matsu ski man, “regular script four masters”

He was born in Lanxi, Wuzhou, Huzhou, Zhejiang Province, and was the 11th grandson of Zhao Kuangyin, Emperor Taizu of Song Dynasty.

Knowledgeable, work ancient poetry, through the rhythm, fine appreciation. Advocating learning from the ancients, emphasizing the “homology of calligraphy and painting”, “literati painting starts from Dongpo to Songxue opens the door”. He is good at writing, running and minor script, and his book is round and beautiful.

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Zhao Meng-fu The Magpie Wah Chiu

7, Zheng Banqiao (November 22, 1693 – January 22, 1766) : known as Mr. Banqiao, the representative of the “Eight strange Yangzhou”.

Born in Suzhou, Xinghua, Jiangsu. He has experienced ups and downs in his life, tasted the sweet and sour, and blended all of them into his works.

He is good at painting orchid, bamboo, stone, pine, chrysanthemum, etc., and has made the most outstanding achievements in painting orchid and bamboo for more than 50 years. Work calligraphy, with the Han eight mixed into the script, the calligraphy pen into the painting. Before painting, do not set up a grid, after painting, do not leave a grid. His representative works “Banqiao Complete works”, “Ganguju Spring Picture”, “Qingguang Liuzhao picture”, “Ink bamboo picture” and so on

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Ink Bamboo Drawing by Zheng Banqiao

  1. Qi Baishi (January 1, 1864 – September 16, 1957) : Baishi Weng, People’s Artist.

Born in Xingziwu, Baishipu, Xiangtan, Hunan Province, from the village craftsmen to a generation of art leaders.

Proficient in poetry, painting, calligraphy, printing, in the painting circle can be called a unique. He is good at painting people, landscapes, flowers, birds and beasts and miscellaneous paintings of various themes. He can make meticulous brushwork, longer than freehand brushwork, and achieve the artistic conception of “painting outside” and “simple but not empty”. His representative works are “Ink Shrimp”, “Frog sound Ten miles out of the mountain spring”, “Cattle Herding Picture”.

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Ink Shrimp by Qi Baishi

9, Mei Lanfang (October 22, 1894 – August 8, 1961) : Peking Opera Sinian, the first of the four famous Dan, founded the Mei School.

He was born in Beijing in Taizhou, Jiangsu Province.

Mei Lanfang’s blue shirt is also a first-class person in the city, the color is good, the singing is mellow and beautiful, the feelings are rich and implicit, and the establishment of a kind of physical expression skills. “True actor, creator of beauty.” His representative works include Drunkenness of the Concubine, Heaven and Women Scattering Flowers, Cosmic Front, Fishing and Killing Home, etc.

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Mei Lanfang

  1. Xu Beihong (July 19, 1895 – September 26, 1953) : a modern Chinese painter, art educator, and “Father of modern Chinese painting”.

Jiangsu Yixing Qiting town, born poor, in the “half farming, half reading and half fishing firewood” life spent his childhood.

Good at drawing, oil painting, Chinese painting. It emphasizes realism, advocates learning from nature, and integrates Western artistic techniques into traditional Chinese art, making it unique. His representative works include “Running Horses”, “Jiufang Gao”, “Yu Gong Moving Mountains”, “Wounded Lion” and “Five hundred Men”.





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Lotus Map by Zhang Daqian

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